Monday, 27 February 2012

my first seeding...

This morning I was off work so I decided to start my main seeding considered that I start few seed 2 week ago only because I thought this year to change my compost from peat base to peat free… after I realized that the compost was good for seeding I took all my equipment and start…
The heated propagator is plugged in and I pull out from my shed the seed cell trays, some toilette roll cardboard for peas, some compost ,tweezers,  the label stick and of course the seeds box.
I prefer using cell module tray then the traditional tray, because I find easy to transplant the seedling into a small pot, after I put 2 - 3 seeds in each cell and then I pinch out the other leaving only the strongest one…
For peas and beans I use toilette roll cardboard or peat pots because they hate transplanting so when is come to sow I just put all in the big pots where they will grow...
What I’ve been sowing to day was:

4 tomatoes garden delight
4 tomatoes moneymaker
4 lobelia sapphire
4 nasturtium thumb (pot variety)
2 nasturtium tall (trailers variety)
4 marigold French
2 snap dragon flower
6 sprouting broccoli
6 carrots early Nantes
4 courgette black beauty
1 butternut squash
1 pumpkin

15 peas kelvedon wonder (dwarf variety)
15 peas Oregon sugar pod (dwarf mange tout)

12 broad bean (the Sutton)

my garden experience 2012

hi everybody,
this year i will start to grow my own but not just growing some courgette like i did last year but i will start a new experience in growing my own fruit and veg... i finally found something that really love to do as hobby. grow your own is important for me because if you not doing properly you end up with nothing so if in the end of the season i will harvest a lot of veg and fruit i will be so proud of myself...( i always want to succeed in anything i've done in my life).
because i don't have an allotment ( i put an application but you know that the waiting list is long) i decided to grow in container at home... while i was reeding book, wesite, forum, etc i found out that the better way for me to grow my veg is a square foot gardening method...
wait a moment i can't because i have a patio here we go.... found a solution.... because i grow in container why not try a squarefoot gardening container...
i made 2 bed 3ft x 4ft each one made of 12 square pot big 1 sqft.. this will bee even easy because if osme plant will need some extra space i wil just move a bit so they dont overshadow other plant. plus this will make a crop rotation even better just put different plant in differe pot ( by plant i mean the group that they belong) for the soil i will some john innes compost because they are made of loam and sand base so next year i will only adding some home made compost e planting again.

this is the plan that i made and how it will be after... now the pot are empty but soon i will start to fill them up... as you can see the lower bed have 4 extra pot but i'm not sure if i will use them.
plus on the top left there are 8 square pot where i will try to grow some corn, i hope they will grow..
on the left side you can see 6 pot up side down in there i will put  momeymaker and gsarden delight tomato (3 each ). and as i said before i love courgette so i will grow 6 plant in a building bucket..