Monday, 27 February 2012

my first seeding...

This morning I was off work so I decided to start my main seeding considered that I start few seed 2 week ago only because I thought this year to change my compost from peat base to peat free… after I realized that the compost was good for seeding I took all my equipment and start…
The heated propagator is plugged in and I pull out from my shed the seed cell trays, some toilette roll cardboard for peas, some compost ,tweezers,  the label stick and of course the seeds box.
I prefer using cell module tray then the traditional tray, because I find easy to transplant the seedling into a small pot, after I put 2 - 3 seeds in each cell and then I pinch out the other leaving only the strongest one…
For peas and beans I use toilette roll cardboard or peat pots because they hate transplanting so when is come to sow I just put all in the big pots where they will grow...
What I’ve been sowing to day was:

4 tomatoes garden delight
4 tomatoes moneymaker
4 lobelia sapphire
4 nasturtium thumb (pot variety)
2 nasturtium tall (trailers variety)
4 marigold French
2 snap dragon flower
6 sprouting broccoli
6 carrots early Nantes
4 courgette black beauty
1 butternut squash
1 pumpkin

15 peas kelvedon wonder (dwarf variety)
15 peas Oregon sugar pod (dwarf mange tout)

12 broad bean (the Sutton)


  1. here is where I saw them!
    (ero negata in inglese)

  2. my first comment in this blog...
    il mio primo commento sul questo blog..
